Violent Crimes

  • Carjacking
  • Homicide
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Domestic Violence
  • Robbery
  • Child Abuse
  • Kidnapping
  • Sex Crimes
  • Self Defense

Violent crimes involve force or the threat of force and/or bodily harm to another. These cases include assault, carjacking, murder, rape and domestic abuse. With these charges, your future can be at risk and you need to act fast. 

Being charged with a violent crime can be terrifying, especially if you believe you’ve been wrongfully accused. As these cases are aggressively prosecuted, it is imperative that you contact an experienced Kansas City criminal defense attorney as early as possible. You are not alone. Rick will diligently work to reach the best possible resolution to your violent crime case.

If you have been in a violent event, Rick will immediately begin tracking down witnesses and looking for evidence helpful to your case. This includes determining which laws may apply, such as self-defense, defense of others, “stand your ground” or “castle doctrine” laws.

Just because you have been charged does not mean you don’t have the right to defend yourself. You have the right to keep yourself safe, and Rick will work to ensure that you don’t have to decide between personal safety or going to jail.

Never discuss allegations with law enforcement or medical staff without first consulting a defense attorney.

Do not do this alone. You need an experienced criminal defense attorney fighting for you.